November 2023

The Story Begins...



This is where it all starts. A former carpenter's workshop in the beautiful historic town on Banff on the North Aberdeenshire coast in Scotland.

It's been derelict for over thirty years, but in 2024 we will be fully renovating it and turning it into the HQ for The Forge Banff CIC, a new business for Banff, providing crafting, art, and jewellery classes, gallery space, studio space, community events, and retail. Being a CIC (Community Interest Company) means we have a duty to use our business to provide a community benefit, and ensure that we maximise the accessibility and affordability of all of our activities.

I'll be documenting the renovation process, as we go, and sharing information about our plans for the future. Meanwhile you can contact us via the website, or our social media if you want to find out more, or get involved!